Friday, January 13, 2006

What a beautiful day!!

Yesterday, thursday was such a beautiful day with temperatures around 70deg, I decided to do some bush hogging and general cleaning up. I also drove the 88" rover with the top off and it was great to feel the wind while driving around town.

The 109" In Rovertalk the number refers to the wheebase. This is my pickup, a 1966, longwheel base. The paint job is mine and cost all of $27.00. A can of Rust-oleum goes quite a long way. The two colours are Regal red and Antique white

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Primetime tonight. I now start at 6:30pm.


Anonymous said...

Phil is famous for his six spray can repaints of his 109" Land Rover - he'll paint any car for around $20 - depends on if the spray paint is on sale at Walmart that day....good thing he plays and sings much better than he paints.

Philip John Brooks said...

Yes, I am quite famous for my cheap.. I mean, inexpensive paint jobs. Actually, I now charge $25.00. and you get to keep what's left in the can for "touch up".