Here's a list of people's favourite songs off this album.
Bill Loughner........I'm the Coyote.
Paul S............... Taylor Ranch Road.
Mary F.............. Shame on you.
Dulcimer Dan... Colorado Mountain Girl.
Lou D............... Farewell.
Daniel Brooks... Taylor Ranch Road.
Jimmy Rose.......Thunder in the Mountains.
Connie S........... I'm the Coyote.
Les B................Taylor Ranch Road.
Linda B.............St. James Hotel.
Robert B...........In the Pink.
John Stuart Brooks...The Chili Line.
Jere and Joy..... At the Alvarado.
Mike A............. I'm the Coyote.
Michael Hearne... Thunder in the Mountains.
Paige Pinnell.... At the Alvarado.
Fritz Davis....... I'm the Coyote.
John Foster...... Colorado Mountain Girl.
Jeff Fagan....... St James Hotel.
Jack Walter.......Colorado Mountain Girl.
Jan Walker........I'm the Coyote.
Christy Walter.... St James Hotel.
Peggy Tingle...... Shame on you.
Philip Wellington Brooks... St James Hotel.
Carolyn W.........Miss Kate.
Ray S. ...........Taylor Ranch Road.
Tammy B. .........I'm the Coyote.
Nora .............St. James Hotel.
Charles Gibson....I'm the Coyote.
I'll keep adding to this list as people e-mail me.
Thank you everyone, for your time and consideration.