After a hectic weekend it's nice to have a few days off. John and I spent Monday in Santa Fe. We took hundreds of photographs. Only with a digital camera can you do that.
Santa Fe. The first two photo's show one of the plaza and the other I think, is San Fransisco St. There were many people on the plaza plus street musicians. Love that town!!!
Today we went to Taos. The third photograph was taken between Taos and Valarde by the Rio Grande. There were lots of rafters on the river.
We stopped at Embudo Station to look at the old water tower from the "Chili Line" days, plus the old railway station.
The Rio Grande Gorge from the bridge. It was very windy here, almost enough to blow us into the road. The wind didn't stop the many tourists from taking pictures. From there we went to Arroyo Seco for a drink at the coffee house, before heading back to Red River. A very nice couple of days.
John on the bridge over the gorge.
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