Another busy week coming up. Wednesday, May 19th The Ranch Steakhouse in Cedar Hill, Texas Thursday, May 20th The Ranch Steakhouse in Cedar Hill, Texas Friday, May 21st Private party in DeSoto, Texas Saturday, May 22nd Willie Nelson's Blue Skies Cafe, Carl's Corner,Texas
On March, 4th I was interviewed by Candice Felice for Georgia Public Radio. We talked about the new album " Dancing Through Time" and how some of the songs came into being. The interview will be aired in the near future and I will post the times on this blog. It will also be available streamed over the internet.
I'm looking forward to being back at Sugar Mill Creek at Lake Burton, Georgia tonight.
The Night Life Theater was fabulous. The occasion was Johnny Bush's 75th birthday. The first photo shows me, Johnny and Willie.
Here I am during my performance. It was a sold out crowd of around 600. Seats were even placed on the dance floor. It felt strange to do a show by myself knowing I would be followed by a nine piece band.
Johnny Rodriguez also performed but I didn't get to see him because I went to do another show in the Blue Skies cafe. All in all, it was a very satisfying week.
What a nice drive from Amarillo to Red River. To see the prairie covered in snow is like being in the arctic. I saw a herd of antelope, then bison and then a herd of over 100 elk just outside Ute Park.
Cimarron Canyon was spectacular in the snow. The next morning my car was covered. I walked out to breakfast at Mountain Treasures. It was good to see all my Red River friends again.
The new album "Dancing through Time" is here and should be available from CDbaby, I-tunes and a bunch of other music download sites very soon. If you would like a CD you can e-mail me at
In February I'll be going back to the Ranch Steakhouse in Cedar Hill, Texas, and also back to Willie Nelson's Blue Skies Cafe at Carl's Corner, Texas. For the dates please check my website
I'm a
Originally I'm from Blackpool, England, but I now live at Lake Burton, Georgia and spend part of my time in Red River, New Mexico. I've played in rock bands, Irish showbands, cabaret, solo and recorded in some really cool studios such as Philips, Marble Arch, Decca, London and Omnisound in Nashville Tennessee. I love to write songs with historical meaning, about the environment, or just observations about life. I just completed my 4th, solo album. Soon there will be a second
English album.